Thursday, June 23, 2011

Soul Training: Play

soul training

“Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” Matthew 18:4

Play is a spiritual exercise that can teach us about living in the kingdom of God Many people think play is silly and not very spiritual. Play is very serious. By definition play involves randomness. Play cannot be controlled. Spontaneity is one of the spiritual benefits of play. We learn to let go. We relax, let ourselves become vulnerable and open to whatever happens.

Choose one or two from the list below. If you would like share your playtime on our class blog.

1. If you have children (nieces, nephews, grandchildren), play with them! Do what they do, get down on the floor and play.

2. If you once played a sport, but haven’t played in a while, dust off the old equipment and find someone to play with (you can use the blog to coordinate if you want).

3. Do your favorite hobby with a sense of play and wonder, not as work or something to be accomplished.

4. Engage in a discipline of wonder: read a book about something you do not know much about.


We are told to “become like children.” Children experience security, excitement, and enjoy every moment of play. Pray that our Father will gives us the sense of security to play in His world with excitement.

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